2nd Story has provided product photography for several businesses over the years. And we've learned a few tricks along the way that make the photos more effective in grabbing customers' attention and ultimately making the sale. Here's a few of our secrets.

Face Inward
Turning your products so they slightly face inward, or the center of the image, makes the customer more drawn to the product and leaves more of an impression than if the item is facing away from the center. That's why in this photo for Parish Coffee we angled the mug and bags so that the logo is slightly facing the center instead of straight forward.

Make it Accessible
Positioning your products in a way they seem easy to grab and immediately use will help the customer naturally envision themselves holding and using the product. In this photo for the K Gossie Collection the opened tube of lipstick is closest to the camera and the brush is on the right side, because most customers are right-handed.

Show More than One
Customers are more likely to buy projects when they see multiple copies. This is true in stores and in ads. So we used duplicates of the same bath bomb in our photography for Crescent City Swoon.

Suggest Other Products
When photographing a product, having another of your products in the same photo shows your customers how one goes with the other, making them more likely to buy the set rather than just the one product. This photo for Atlas Handmade Beads is for the black and gold bracelet, but the necklace is shown in the background.

Make it Shiny
A great way to make your product more attractive is to make it shine, or reflect. In this photo for Symmetry Jewelry we not only made sure light was reflecting off several facets of the stones in the rings, but we also used a reflective surface underneath the products.
These are just a few tricks we use when photographing products for our clients. Do you have products that need some new professional and effective photography? If so, contact us and let's schedule a photoshoot that will take your business to the next level!